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Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!  I know, it's Halloween Night, and I'm not posting any pictures of Halloween.  Guess What, I forgot my camera!  Hopefully someone will email me pictures of tonight's festivities and I will post them then.  I did add pictures from the last week.  We had a great time at the pumpkin patch last week with Jason's family.  Today I got to go to Sam's school and volunteer.  I did a craft with the kids, and I read the whole class a story.  It really took me back to my teaching days.  Sam enjoyed having me in class with him.  When I came back to pick him up, I had a surprise with me Bapa!  (My dad).  We got ready and went out to our friends house for the trick-or-treating fun!  Sam was much more brave this year, he only cried at one costume.  You guessed it, the little girl who dressed as a cute clown.  Sam was Scooby Doo so I had to go with a family theme (see how many years that works), Allie was a puppy, or rather a girl "Scrappy Doo."  She is pretty scrappy.  She fell asleep in her stroller the second we walked down the street and slept the whole time.  They both fell asleep in the car on the ride home.  Hopefully I will have pictures to post from tonight soon.  I really can't believe I forgot my camera.  Good night, and Happy Halloween!  


nykki and erik said...

Welcome to the blogging world, I'm so excited for you, you will love it and it and if you need suggestions, help let me know. Good luck.

Charli Steed said...

Yeah for Sam and Allie getting a blog!!! I love to read blogs, and that is how I keep up on Macies life. It makes us seem not so far away!! Joey and Molly were in the room when I was looking and both said that Sammy is the cutest Scooby they have ever seen!!! We love you!! Miss you tons!!!
Love, Charli

Aubrey said...

nikk, i miss you guys so much!!! give the kids a hug for me, Allie is getting so big! looks like you guys had fun with dad!
Love you, Aubrey